Sonnwendviertel, Belvedere district, panorama: main station, high-rise buildings, evening atmosphere

Tu sei qui:

Quartier Belvedere e Sonnwendviertel

Belvedere 21

Arsenalstraße 1
1030 Vienna
  • Benefits for club members

    • one free ticket each

  • Vienna City Card

    • Vantaggio con la Vienna City Card: -21%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Saisonal Prices /
      reduced ticket price VCC: 7€

  • Orari di apertura

    • Mar, 11:00 - 18:00
    • Mer, 11:00 - 18:00
    • Gio, 11:00 - 21:00
    • Ven, 11:00 - 18:00
    • Sab, 11:00 - 18:00
    • Dom, 11:00 - 18:00
    • Open Mondays on public holidays.

  • Accessibilità

    • Ingresso principale
      • senza gradini (Porte a vento a doppia anta 140 cm largo)
    • Parcheggi Ingresso principale
      • 1 Parcheggi per disabili presenti
    • Con ascensore
      • Porta 90 cm largo
    • Ulteriori informazioni
      • Ammessi i cani guida per non vedenti
      • 2 Posti per sedia a rotelle (spaces in the Blickle cinema by the entrance on the right)
      • WC per disabili accessibili senza barriere architettoniche.
    • Offerte speciali per persone disabili

      Tactile tours on the architecture of 21er Haus and the sculptures of Fritz Wotrub for blind and visually impaired people. Seating in collection area.

    • Note

      Sitzmöglichkeiten in den Ausstellungen, im Foyer und in der Garderobe.

Belvedere superiore (Oberes Belvedere)

Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27
1030 Vienna
  • Note

  • Benefits for club members

    • one free 2in1 ticket each

  • Vienna City Card

    • Vantaggio con la Vienna City Card: -9%

      Additional information on the offer:

      - 1,50€ on the current entry ticket price (Upper Belvedere)

      - 2,50€ on the current entry ticket price (Upper and Lower Belvedere)

  • Orari di apertura

    • tutti i giorni, 09:00 - 18:00
    • Open from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. during July and August 2024.

  • Accessibilità

    • Ingresso principale
      • senza gradini (Porte a vento 102 cm largo)
    • Parcheggi Ingresso principale
      • Parcheggi per disabili presenti
        Parking space for visitors with disabilities in front of the entrance at Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 27, Parking: 10 am – 6 pm
    • Con ascensore
      • Porta 150 cm largo
    • Ulteriori informazioni
      • Ammessi i cani guida per non vedenti
      • WC per disabili accessibili senza barriere architettoniche.
    • Offerte speciali per persone disabili

      Reduced admission for people with disabilities and assistants. "See differently" guided tours (tactile tours) in the Upper Belvedere for blind and visually impaired visitors. Video guides in Austrian Sign Language (OGS) and International Sign are available for deaf visitors.

    • Note

      2 elevators reachable via a ramp (staff will provide assistance), wheelchairs available at the cloakroom.
      Shop/café: a few steps (staff will provide assistance).